Author: lowen

  • I Want to Know More, 9/7/2024

    I have always been fascinated by the differences found between two scriptures that speak of the same event, but using different words. While the world might call differences ‘contradictions’ I am not of that school of thought, as I recognize that words have broad meanings and two scriptures worded differently can be saying exactly the…

  • I Want to Know More, first week of September, 2024

    Many times in my life I’ve been told that God have three possible answers to your prayer: Yes, No, and Not Yet. Today we explore the fourth possible answer, which is no answer at all.

  • I Want to Know More, fifth week of August, 2024

    “Except the LORD build the house….” Nathan’s vision from the Lord contains a tremendous promise: the Lord tells Nathan that the Lord will build David an house. This is such a blessing on the surface; digging deeper, it dawns on the careful student of scripture that the Lord building the house is essential, not just…

  • I Want to Know More, fourth week of August, 2024.

    Why does the world equate Meek with Weak? Moses, David, Jesus — all were meek; Jesus states clearly the the meek shall inherit the earth. Why is it then the world is so against meekness? This week’s I Want to Know More explores what it means to be meek and how Moses, David, and Jesus…

  • I Want to Know More, third week of August, 2024

    Have you ever thought that your ministry needed to be like someone else’s ministry? One the most difficult things for a Christian to realize is that their ministry is unique and individual; God works in mysterious ways, His ways are past finding out. David’s ministry for the Lord is not going to be like anyone…

  • I Want to Know More, second week of August, 2024

    Well, took a major left turn in the podcast for this week. Started out looking at the difference between the temple of 1 Samuel 1, the tabernacle of 1 Samuel 2, and the house David was wanting to build for the Lord, but then the sin of Hophni and Phinheas took me on a left…